THE GEFIL "PHENOMENON": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yNZrE0SFrI4b
GEFIL S.R.L. has an experience of over 20 years on the Romanian market and specializes in the production and distribution of firefighting equipment and services. The company's commercial policy is based on superior product quality, flexibility and competitive prices.
With a production capacity of over 250,000 fire extinguishers / year, GEFIL S.R.L. has the production facility in Ploiesti, in adition a national network of authorized distributors for the sale of products and for their maintenance. They are featured in a list that is published on the website www.gefil.ro.
The main fields of activity are:
- Production and distribution of fire extinguishers (with powder, foam and CO2);
- Production and distribution of firefighting accessories (hoses, branch pipes, outdoor hydrants, indoor hydrant systems, fittings, reductions, hydrant valves etc.);
- Distribution of components for fire extinguishers (valves, manometers, hoses, dip tubes etc.);
- Maintenance for fire extinguishers;
- Maintenance for indoor and outdoor hydrant installations;
- Maintenance for hatches installations;
- Distribution of fire extinguishing powders;
- Distribution of fire extinguishing foams;
- Recovery and recycling of old extinguishers.
GEFIL S.R.L. is a founding member of APSIA Romania (www.apsia.ro), to which it provides general support, due to the fact that it was, is and will be a player who guides its business conduct in harmony with the spirit and letter of the laws.
APSIA’s mission is to correctly inform companies for cost efficiency when it comes to purchasing firefighting products and services, in the way that they will not be cheated by various companies in the field, that have the habit of distributing non-conform products and performing only-scriptic maintenance operations.
At the same time, APSIA acts for the correct information of the companies about everything that means conform firefighting products and services (documentation, correspondence of the product with the certificates etc.).
In this respect, www.apsia.ro published the manual "The First 7 minutes" which lists all necessary information about fire extinguishers, interior hydrant systems, firefighting accessories and fire extinguishing agents (powders and foams).
In addition to the texts written in such a way that they are easy to be understood by the non-specialized public, the guide also contains a number of 184 pictures representing examples of documents, conform and non-conform products, markings, correspondence between documents and products etc.
"The First 7 Minutes" was written in the context in which a large percentage of companies operating in the firefighting market in Romania, do not want to comply with the legal framework governing this field, namely Romanian and European laws, ministerial orders and standards.